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Social responsability

Taking action today for the world of the future

Crédit Agricole Group's legacy of social engagement

Evolving in an era of transparency and engagement, our role goes beyond the simple scope of products or services: at the heart of our concerns lies a genuine commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

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"To act, every day, in the interests of our customers and society”

Guided by the Group's raison d'être, "To act, every day, in the interests of our customers and society", Crédit Agricole is committed to supporting all its customers in the environmental, social and agricultural transitions, and being there for them at the very heart of their daily lives and in the real economy of the regions.

Through this socially-focused initiative, Crédit Agricole Group is launching a large-scale collective effort and has defined a programme of 10 commitments, divided into 3 priorities.

The 3 priorities broken down into 10 commitments

Take action for the climate and the transition to a low-carbon economy

1. Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

2. Advise and support 100% of our customers in their energy transition. 

3. Incorporate extra-financial performance criteria into 100% of the analysis carried out for our financing of businesses and farmers.

Strengthen social cohesion and inclusion

4. Offer a range of services that excludes no customer, to promote social and digital inclusion

5. Contribute to revitalising the most disadvantaged regions and reduce social inequalities    

6. Promote the integration of youngsters through employment and training or education

7. Increase gender mixing and diversity in all Crédit Agricole entities, including within its Governance

Successfully managing the transitions in the agricultural and the agri-food sectors

8. Support technical developments towards a competitive and sustainable agri-food system 

9. Enable French agriculture to fully contribute to the fight against climate change  

10. Contribute to strengthening food sovereignty

Our Net Zero approach

Our goal is to contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy and to fight for a better climate. To this end, the Bank has carried out work to measure its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to set targets in line with CA Group's goals.

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Operational emissions

With the support of the Fribourg-based company, Climate Services, the Bank's operating emissions were measured at 31.12.2022, yielding a total of 452 tCO2/year, or 2.2 tCO2 per employee.

These emissions correspond to those resulting directly from the Bank's activities, such as heating our premises, electricity, waste, office automation, business travel, etc., and represent 3% of our total measured emissions.

Our goal: to reduce operating emissions by 42% by 2030 at the latest.

Three initiatives have been launched to help reduce these emissions, namely:

  • our employees' commutes and work-related travel: an initial carbon compensation with Almighty Tree, an organisation we commissioned to plant more than 900 trees by the end of 2023 to offset these emissions
  • the energy consumption of our buildings: electricity consumption has since been reduced by 8% for our head office and branches in Geneva, between 2022 and 2023
  • office automation (computers and mail)
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Financed emissions

Financed emissions are produced by the goods purchased by our customers. With the support of our partner Wüestpartner, and based on data as at 28.02.2023, the total balance for financed emissions from mortgage properties in Switzerland was drawn up, showing average emissions of 37.6 kgCO2/m2/year, and representing 97% of our emissions.

Our goal: to reduce these emissions by 58% by 2030

To help reduce these emissions, we have introduced an eco-loan offer and enhanced training for our employees in providing energy renovation advice to support our customers in transforming their property.

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Crédit Agricole next bank is continuing its CSR approach by donating 1% of its profits

Since 2022, the Bank has donated 1% of its profits to support Swiss organisations that take the initiative and work for:

  • protecting and preserving the environment
  • strengthening good relations with Europe
  • supporting people in difficulty

Through an internal participative process, our employees are invited to submit projects they feel are important. Following a selection process by our CSR Committee, the Bank allocates 1% of its profits to the chosen organisations in the form of donations and/or sponsorship for the coming year.