With the support of the Fribourg-based company, Climate Services, the Bank's operating emissions were measured at 31.12.2022, yielding a total of 452 tCO2/year, or 2.2 tCO2 per employee.
These emissions correspond to those resulting directly from the Bank's activities, such as heating our premises, electricity, waste, office automation, business travel, etc., and represent 3% of our total measured emissions.
Our goal: to reduce operating emissions by 42% by 2030 at the latest.
Three initiatives have been launched to help reduce these emissions, namely:
- our employees' commutes and work-related travel: an initial carbon compensation with Almighty Tree, an organisation we commissioned to plant more than 900 trees by the end of 2023 to offset these emissions
- the energy consumption of our buildings: electricity consumption has since been reduced by 8% for our head office and branches in Geneva, between 2022 and 2023
- office automation (computers and mail)