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Net Zero Ambition Funds

The future-oriented investment solution, between performance and decarbonisation.

Faced with environmental challenges and growing concerns among our clients, Crédit Agricole next bank has been committed to the transition to a more sustainable economy for several years.

In line with our objectives, we now offer a range of Net Zero Ambition funds, in partnership with Amundi, the European leader in asset management.

Equity, bond or diversified funds; enter a world where high-performance investment teams up with sustainability and carbon neutrality!

The Net Zero Ambition range

The Net Zero Ambition fund range consists of 3 equity funds, 2 bond funds and a multi-asset fund in EUR and CHF. Their goal is an attractive and competitive return, adjusted to risk, while pursuing the objective of reducing their carbon intensity.

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NZA Top European Players

  • Equity fund

Bank on proximity and security with a selection of shares from European companies among the most advanced in their journey towards carbon neutrality.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361058
ISIN EUR: LU1883868819

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NZA Global Equity

  • Equity fund

Think big by investing in a universe of global equities, powered by companies leading the way in their efforts to achieve carbon neutrality.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361132
ISIN EUR: LU2644250693

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NZA Emerging Markets Equity

  • Equity Fund

Think outside the box and seize the opportunities offered by emerging markets with a universe of stocks whose carbon footprint is lower than the industry median.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361215

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NZA Pioneer US Corporate Bond

  • Bond fund

Aim for an attractive return with a selection of high-potential US investment grade bonds excluding sectors such as coal, tobacco, weapons and fossil fuels.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361488

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NZA Global Corporate Bond

  • Bond Fund

Opt for geographic diversification by investing in investment grade bonds from around the world, from companies active in various sectors, with the exception of tobacco and coal.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361306

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NZA Multi-Asset

  • Diversified Fund

Combine the dynamism of equities with the conservatism of bonds through a diversified and flexible fund, varying investment types, sectors and geographies and keeping the transition to a low-carbon economy in sight.

ISIN CHF: LU2762361561
ISIN EUR: LU0907915168

3 ways to invest in Net Zero Ambition Funds

One-off subscription

Invest the amount you want, when you want, with complete freedom and according to market opportunities.

Savings in funds

Invest the same amount each month according to a fund savings plan, with the advantages of balanced fluctuations over time.

A bit of both

Combine your investments, between one-off subscriptions depending on opportunities and building up a savings fund with regular deposits.

Why invest in NZA Funds

A tailor-made, sustainable and performant investment.


Contribute to decarbonisation, with shares and bonds exclusively from companies with realistic CO2 objectives, also chosen according to social and governance criteria (ESG).


Type of funds, geographical areas or even risk level. The Net Zero Ambition range allows you to invest according to your wishes.


Benefit from funds without compromise on profitability, based on a rigorous and methodical selection of financially solid companies before any consideration. 

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Amundi, our “Net Zero” investment partner

No. 1 in asset management in Europe and in the top 10 worldwide1, Amundi has more than 100 million clients under its management worldwide and more than €2,000 billion in assets under management2. Its expertise and experience make it a solid and trusted partner.

The NZA range is part of Amundi's “ESG Ambitions 2025” plan, whose ambitious objective is to have an ESG rating higher than that of its investment universe.

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Corporate social responsibility at Crédit Agricole next bank

More than just offering sustainable investment funds, we are committed to following a clear guideline: acting today for tomorrow’s world. Discover the CA Group’s ambitions, our Net Zero approach and our societal commitment.

1. Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2023 based on assets under management in December 2022.
2. Amundi figures as at 31 March 2024.

This is a marketing document provided solely for information purposes and should in no way be considered a service off ering or recommendation to buy or sell fi nancial instruments. The information contained in this document does not take into account the customer’s individual, fi nancial or tax needs. This information may be changed by the issuer of the fi nancial instrument without notice. The bank will not be held liable for any consequences resulting from these changes. The documentation on the services and list of investment funds off ered by the bank are available on our website and from your advisor. You can also request the terms for buying and selling investment funds off ered by the bank, as well as prospectuses and fund sheets, free of charge from an advisor. The customer is aware and acknowledges that any investment always carries a risk of loss.