Make sure you have the IBAN of the account to which you wish to repatriate part of your salary.
From the home screen, click on the "New payment" quick-access link.
From the menu, click on "Payments", then on "New", then on "Payment".
Enter the IBAN of the beneficiary account.
Click on "New payment to...".
Fill in the beneficiary's details.
Then click on "Next".
Choose the account to be debited.
Enter the amount you wish to receive in euros.
Enter the reason for payment and click "Next".
Check your payment details. At this stage, you can see the amount in CHF that will be debited from your account. Make sure you have sufficient funds in CHF in your account, otherwise the transfer cannot be completed. If you wish, click on "Create template" to simplify your payment next time. If everything is correct, click on "Pay".
If this is the first time you've made a payment to this IBAN: to finalise your payment, open the SecureAccess CA next bank app on your mobile phone, and scan the coloured mosaic displayed on the screen.
Confirm in the top right-hand corner of the SecureAccess app.
While the intelligent payment assistant integrated into your e-banking platform selects the most suitable type of payment for your transaction by default, you can change the pre-selection when you make your payment or transfer.
For transfers to the Eurozone.
For international transfers (outside the Euro-zone).
For transfers to another bank in Switzerland.
To make an account-to-account transfer.
This digital payment method replaces payment slips as of 1 October 2022.
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