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Fixed-term deposit account

Boost your savings with one of the best rates on the market and guaranteed returns.

The advantages

Fixed rate

A rate that is set upon signature of the contract, and which is independent from market fluctuations.


Guaranteed capital through a secure investment.


Your savings are blocked for the amount of time that suits you.

Our current rate

3 months0.40%
6 months0.35%
9 months0.29%
1 year0.29%
2 years0.56%
3 years0.66%
4 years0.81%

* The above-mentioned CHF interest rate is indicative, without guarantee, subject to conditions, and can be modified at any time. For more information, please contact your branch.


  • Currency: CHF, EUR, USD
  • Opening fee: none
  • Opening amount: minimum CHF/EUR/USD 50,000
  • Contract term: 3 months to 4 years depending on currency
  • Blocking of funds: yes, depending on the agreed term
  • Interest: annual interest payments (every 12 months)
  • Pledge: possible
  • Withholding tax: 35% on interest payments of CHF 200 or more
  • Eligibility: available to holders of CA Start, CA Extra and CA First packages
  • Early withdrawal: in the event of withdrawal, a penalty is charged**
  • Withdrawal limit: minimum CHF 5,000 in the currency of your Fixed Term Deposit; in the event of a withdrawal, the remaining balance on the fixed-term deposit account must be at least CHF 10,000
  • Annual statement: free of charge
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** For more information, please contact your advisor.